Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Adopt A Soldier...what's this all about?

Almost 15 years ago, in November 20012, a small group of us in the small Northern California town of Chico decided to bless local soldiers who were deployed in the Middle East along with all their "battle buddies" by sending off  a care package from home for Christmas. At the time all 3 of our sons were deployed and it was a way to feel closer to them. This mission has grown every year, and last year we were able to send out over 700 packages for Christmas and had funds and goodies left over so we could send out some February "Love" with an additional 200 packages last week.

Every year, beginning in early November, barrels go out to local schools and businesses to collect items off the wish list. The amount of items contributed is always astounding. School children decorate cards and letters. The week before Thanksgiving we begin to organize the items, tape our boxes and get ready for the big day! Dozens of volunteers show up, rain or shine! and we pack, seal, weigh and label the packages.

On average, we send 735 packages a year.. After volunteers spend hours sorting and packing, the boxes are taken to The UPS Store. Once there, every box has a six page customs form that needs to be registered on line, each page signed, stamped, attached to the top and delivered to the post office. Since 2002, the Chico UPS Stores have processed our packages AT COST! And they do it cheerfully, as a way to show our Troops they care. Thank you ChicoUPS Stores owners and Staff!

How can you help? Begin your own collection of items...anytime! Drop them off in November at any collection site. Aren't local? We'd love your donation for postage of "missing" items. Host a collection barrel or come out and help us pack! Use the form below to contact us for more info.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Please indulge this proud grandma for a moment..

Packing up some "Love" 
Yesterday my 6 year old grandson went to a pizza party and there was an arcade full of games, the kind that spit out tickets that can be turned in for little prizes. That sweet boy gathered up all his winnings and turned them in for a deck of cards. Then handed them to his Mom saying, "Mommy lets send these to Daddy." He could have got candy and a plastic toy but instead, he wanted his daddy to know he was thinking of him. When you say your prayers, please remember all the children who have a mommy or daddy deployed, serving our country.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016